Catholic student home

Catholic student home for men in Paris


A catholic student home

Foyer Saint Jean Eudes is a non-educational Catholic student home, located in the 14th district of Paris.

There are 24 rooms available for students from September to June. They also have the possibility to stay during the summer, except for two weeks early August.

Under the management of the Eudists, the student home provides young men with a serene and studious environment at the beginning of their higher education.

It enables them to live their faith together, and to develop strong friendships.

The chapel is located on the ground floor, and allows students to participate in Mass, or pray whenever they wish to.

More than just accommodation, the student home also offers fraternal times, (including a weekend of integration), a weekly dinner taken in common and times of teaching, exchange and testimony.


A study-friendly Catholic student home

The quiet and peaceful environment of the student home enables residents to study in the best conditions. Priority is given to students in preparatory classes to selective higher education establishements ‘Grandes écoles’ (CPGE), medical studies (PACES), Human sciences University, major engineering or business schools (with integrated prep). It can also accommodate students in work/study training programme (sandwich course).

The Rules and regulations together with the charter of the student home regulate the conditions of life in community, to guarantee the respect of everyone and success in exams and competitive examinations of the greatest number. Not only does a student who applies for the student home must be willing to commit in a fraternal and spiritual life but also to devote himself very seriously to studying.

The aim of the student home is to contribute to the training of free and responsible men and help them discern their choice of life and their professional orientation.

Eudist priests and speakers who come to testify and nourish their reflection are there to accompany and encourage the students.


How can you register to the Foyer Saint Jean Eudes?

If you are a student and you want to take the opportunity to study in good conditions. If you want to strengthen your faith, your moral values and your human qualities. And if you are interested in the student home project, we invite you to read the documents below and then fill out an application.

 Opening of student registrations from January 2023.

Contact : Email :


Another non-educational student home for young catholic students in Versailles

The Eudists also run a student home in Versailles. It can only accommodate three young men each year. Those who wish to apply to join this structure can contact 06 77 80 77 20 or by e-mail at the following address:

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